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Value Methodology Fundamentals

اذهب الى الأسفل

Value   Methodology Fundamentals Empty Value Methodology Fundamentals

مُساهمة من طرف Admin الأربعاء ديسمبر 16, 2020 9:50 am

Value   Methodology Fundamentals Dr_j12
Vecgegypt Valueengineering
VECG is pleased to invite to attend Value Methodology Fundamentals 1 (VMF1) to discover the secrets of value engineering and learn how to reduce the costs of any project, product or service up to 30 % without sacrificing quality .
Now the trend after COVID 19 is the cost reduction which could affect the quality negatively or could lead to higher life cycle !!! But through the application of value engineering ,you'll reach your expectations without affecting other aspects negatively .
To know more about VECG : www.certified-value-specialist.org
The attendance fee is 800$ /per or 700$ for small groups (+5) or you can get a free ticket for each 8 participants (8+1).
The exam fee is only 185$.
Please note that the attendance of virtual workshops is approved by SAVE till 31 December only unless they will extend the opportunity.
If you have any inquiry related to Value Methodology Fundamentals 1 .Kindly use the link to get more information.
Please note that the original price of VMF1 before COVID 19 was 4500$
This link could show the fee before reduction :
But now you can train a team for the same fee because it's virtual in addition of saving the travel and accommodation expenses.
To know more about the instructor : http://www.certified-value-specialist.com/
To register for VMF1:
( in case you prefer using Paypal ) .
Category: Value Engineering
Code : VE01
Date : 18 December .
Then select apply now.
To join us via telegram :
For technical inquiries, you can contact Dr.Jacqueline Fahmy Mobile +20) 1001598358  / (+20)1225222004 (Whatsapp /Facetime Audio).


المساهمات : 137
تاريخ التسجيل : 24/10/2014


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